Irjen. Pol. (P) Drs. Anton Wahono
Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, born in 1961, received Akabri education in 1986, STAF leadership school in 2000 and High Level leadership school in 2010. In additional, he also obtained level 1 and level 2 auditor education, Lemhannas school, and vocational education Advanced investigation. He served as Head of Police Serse Polda Metro Jaya in 2000-2005, Chief of Pangkal Pinang Police in 2006, Kanıt III at the Criminal Investigation Directorate in 2006, Criminal Investigation Unit at Bangka Belitung Police in 2007, Special Inspectorate for Irwasum in 2011, Karowabprof at Propam in 2013, Karopaminal Divpropam in 2014, Bangka Belitung Regional Police Chief in 2016, and Management Expert Staff in 2018. He currently serves as President Commissioner at PT Bintang Empat Enam from 2019 until now, and Commissioner at PT Bumi Barito Mineral from 2019 until now. He was appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company in May 2024, with a term of office until the closing of the 5th Annual GMS after the date of appointment.